Cowboy Bebop (2021) - Review and Eulogy
Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop was not great, but it is gone too soon.

Komi Can’t Communicate - Review
Komi Can’t Communicate is surprisingly wholesome. And funny!

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy - Review
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. A good, messy game. Which feels very on brand?

Dragon Age is more than its average fantasy look suggests
Dragon Age is more than it average fantasy look suggests. It also features a lot more blood and backstabbing than you expect.

Lupin III: The First - The Review
I have not seen an adventure this good since Steven Spielberg’s Tintin. Just look at this smile!

Dune - The Newbie Review
Dune is a modern epic. Do yourself a favor and go watch it on the biggest screen you can find.

The Last Duel - Review
The longer I ponder about it, the more convinced I become that this might be the best movie of the year.

Gwent or how it helped me finish the Witcher 3
The Witcher 3 is one of the biggest games ever created. I only played it for the card game apparently.

Why Assassin’s Creed Valhalla should have made some content optional
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla is a good game. It probably would be better if they had listened to their editors.